Il Grande armoriale del Toson d'oro. Vol. 1: I primi 25 cavalieri della fondazione di Bruges...
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Unbekannte Fuhrer: Hitler come non l'avete mai visto! (Historical biographies) (Volume 1) (I...
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L'esercito imperiale al tempo del Principe Eugenio di Savoia 1690-1720: La fanteria vol. 2 (...
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The Landsknechts: German militiamen from late XV and XVI century (Soldiers & Weapons) (Volum...
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Imperial soldiers & uniforms 1640-1860: In the art of Franz Gerasch (Soldiers, Weapons & uni...
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Oranges, mandarins, cedars, lemons & bergamots..: Artistic engravings of Ferrari, Aldrovrand...
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Mahler: Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen (Historical Biographies) (Volume 4)
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Mahler: Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen (Historical Biographies) (Volume 4) (Italian Edit...
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Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.16: The Guards Cavalry: Cuirassiers, ...
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1618-1649 Storia della guerra dei trent'anni Vol. 5: Gli ultimi scontri e la Pace di Westfal...
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Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.21: The irregular troops (Soldiers, W...
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1618-1649 Storia della guerra dei trent'anni Vol. 3: La fase Svedese (1630-1635) (Soldiers, ...
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1618-1649 Storia della guerra dei trent'anni Vol. 2: La fase danese-olandese (1625-1629) (So...
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Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.15: The Guards: Heavy and light infan...
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Uniforms of Russian army of Elizabeth of Russia Vol. 2: Under the reign of Elizabeth Petrovn...
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Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.17: The Guards Cavalry: Hussars, Lanc...
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L'esercito del Regno Italico 1805-14 Vol. 2: La Cavalleria: The Italian Kingdom's army 1805-...
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Sopravvivere al cellulare: Come social e cell ti plasmano il cervello e ti rovinano la vita,...
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Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 - Vol. 1 (Sodlier, Wepaons & Uniforms GEN)
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